cyclist, product manager & part-time side-project ship-er

Hey, Iā€™m Vedant Lohbare.
šŸ’» I currently work with the amazing product team at RazorpayX Capital.
šŸ’­ Most of my time, I spend day-dreaming about scaling my many side-projects.
šŸ“™ I love to read - These days I prefer reading fiction.
šŸ–Œļø You may sometimes find me paint or write stuff online

a life-time ago :c
commissioned art work :p
some adventurer-type stuff :D
Reminder to self: travel more <3
among other things
  • My side-projects
  • My work
  • Volunteered, taught, raised funds, recruited, sponsored and pretty-much did everything I could for under-privileged children at Make a Difference for 4 years.
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