Successful people I look up to

Fri 15 Apr, 2022
note starts here

I have struggling with thoughts of failure lately, and I realised I need to visualise success in a better way in order to achieve it.

So these are the people I find successful and the reasons why

  1. Elon Musk

    • Revolutionised space travel, road travel, tunnel travel?, solar energy and is widely regarded as A-Quality shit poster.
    • I don't have ambition to be like Elon, the amount of sacrifice to achieve that is un-imaginable for me.
    • Which is strange I generally regard myself as pretty ambitious human.
  2. Manas Saloi

    • Not only is he successful as a product manager, he also writes so well.
    • I like the way he thinks about life and other stuff in general. And he is the main inspiration to start this public journal.
    • To be more like him, I want to write more on product management and life in general.
  3. Jon Yongfook

    • Creator of BannerBear.
    • He is earning $30K per month from his side project. I want to do that someday.
    • I want to create a successful side-project that can earn me some side-income without having my time tied to it.
  4. Prajakta Koli

    • Has an amazing YouTube channel with at the time of writing had close to 7M subscribers
    • That's a lot.
    • Its funny all of us have a mental salary scorecard and this human here easily earns more than many of the CEOs in the tech industry.
    • I don't think so I want to start a YouTube channel or become an influencer though.
    • Another Youtuber I consider successful is Matt D'Avella.
  5. Mithilesh Vazalwar

    • Owns a super successful cafe in my city.
    • Has a YT channel as well. This seems like a common running theme.
  6. Arnav Gupta

    • Just look at this LinkedIn, and tell me you're not impressed.
  7. Random people on r/indianfire

    • People who've fired or have captured enough wealth to fire anytime they want.
la fin :)